Monday 12 November 2007

If People-Watching Was an Olympic Sport, We’d Be Gold Medallists

You know, you imagine Fashion Week as being all about the thin and glamourous. You imagine people wearing turtlenecks and fedoras, skinny girls preening for whoever might possibly be looking in their direction, over-dressed matrons with over-plumped lips, beautiful young men walking around with their moustachio’d henchmen by their side…and then you’re there, and you realise….it’s ALL TRUE.

I was visiting my friend B in Phoenix, and we headed straight for Mecca (the Scottsdale Mall). After a long day shopping, we sat at a sidewalk café (outside! In November!) and realised that it was Fashion Week in Phoenix, and they were setting up a catwalk right next to us. We stayed there for an unconscionable length of time, basking in the reflected glory of the older ladies gold jewelry. I could describe the outfits but you wouldn’t believe me.

So, B has two of the sweetest kids ever (her 4 year old son wins the Best Smile award, and daughter wins Best Hair hands down). They also have the brutal honesty of their kind – my two favourite quotes from the weekend:

(Playing baseball with T, with mum pitching)
T: Mom, you’re not a very good pitcher.
(Few minutes later, after I switch with her).
T: You’re not a very good pitcher either.
Me: Really – is your mum better than me?
T: Yes. (gives up on both of us losers and goes inside)


T: Lena, why are you talking different?
Me: Different from what?
T: You sound different – like you’re speaking Spanish or something.

I also got to catch up with my other Phoenix-based friend, Britt. We took the (surprisingly yummy) cactus tasting tour at the Desert Botanical Gardens, visited the butterflies, then went and sat by her pool (outside! In November!) and caught up on several months of conversation.

I’m surprised I had a voice left by the end of the weekend. One thing I love about old friends is that you can talk for absolutely hours about absolutely anything, switching from trivial to life and death stuff in the same minute. And how doing things like making pie with them can be so very entertaining. And how they have kind husbands who ferry me about the city and take care of the children so we can be giggly and irresponsible. And how they don’t slap you even when you’ve said “I can’t believe it’s November” for the fiftieth time in two days.

Got Cactus? They're surprisingly tasty.

I took more pictures of cacti than friends. That's pathetic.

A Monarch Butterfly




Marie said...
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Marie said...

Waitaminute there -- is B nee Bennett? It sure looks like her.

I know that B. She is a lovely human being. I heard she married S.J. and fled the SLC.

I, too, love old friends for that reason. I love new friends, too -- I just have to think harder about the Right Thing to say around them, and as I'm very lazy, this means I don't make a lot of new friends. Outside of Blogland, anyway.

My buddy wants me to come visit her in Albuquerque. After seeing your sunny November shots of Phoenix, I'm sold!

(I deleted the previous comment b/c I had thoughtlessly posted B's whole name. Oops.)

lenalou said...

That IS her! How do you know her? (I guess I can ask you that in real life).

Totally. New Friends are basing their opinion of you on all the new data, and one off-the-wall comment can have a dramatically skewing effect. Instead of 'funny' they may think 'rude.'

By the way, I am going to retitle my blog "Dear Marie." I'm pretty sure you're the only person reading it any more. No-one cares now that I'm back in the US. Sniff.

Marie said...

She was in my ward a couple years ago and was one of my favorite people there. She also made my calling really easy (education counselor), because she was such a fantastic and responsible RS teacher. Downside: her lessons set the bar way too high and discontent is the result.

I am 80% sure that my novel-length comments have contributed to the silence of other readers of your blog, and I apologize. But now the damage is done, I may as well keep on...

Are you going to Enrichment on Thurs? If so, I"ll bring your fondue set with me. And that DVD.

lenalou said...

She and another friend and I used to discuss her lesson topics before she gave them - she always had great ideas and insights. (I'm making it sound like she's deceased.)

Unfortunately I'm getting my hair done Thursday eve, so I might not make it - I'll definitely be super late.

Hey, It's Ansley said...

November makes Phoenix seem so appealing and then I remember what it's like in August!

I love that you two leave messages about Enrichment in the comments section.

Tech Geek said...

Lena, I just didn't know you had started writing on your blog again! I would have been reading all of this time, and loving it, I promise! :-)