Wednesday 13 August 2008

We’re famous in Japan.

So, my favourite Jock and I were helping Rowan with some music workshops for a group of kids. Basically, R was leading them in singing exercises in parts, and we were trying to keep things going without messing them up too much. It was great; the kids were enthusiastic about everything, and clapped wildly at any opportunity. As R was introducing one of the exercises, she started telling them the story of how she learned it. Our group was all Japanese, and had one woman interpreting. So, R got as far as "I sang at Carnegie hall a month or two ago," when the interpreter decided to take a phone call and ran out of the room, so she had to skip the rest of the story and go straight to the exercise. The kids all applauded enthusiastically, and didn't seem to see anything untoward in R apparently just randomly boasting of her accomplishment for no obvious reason to a bunch of kids from Japan.

As they were leaving, R gave them copies of an arrangement she’d written, and some of them wanted her to autograph it. The next thing we knew, one of the kids wanted me and Tricia to sign, too – and not being up to “I really don’t have anything to do with this music and I’m not even a musician – you don’t want my name scribbled over your nice new copy,” in Japanese, we went ahead and signed. So of course all the other kids wanted us to sign. So we ended up with the bizarre experience of signing about thirty autographs that night.


triciab said...

Wow. I am honored. Your favorite Jock?!

lenalou said...

You should be -- yes, you edged out Ewan Finlayson and Alex Campbell.

Marie said...

You'll all be famous someday, whether or not it's for singing that song. Can I have your autographs, too?

Hey, It's Ansley said...

A little ego boost never hurt anyone.

Ninny Beth said...

welcome. welcome to the miracle of asia. cell phones ringing in weddings...and signing autographs for being from somewhere other than asia. come visit me. You're a celebrity now.