Sunday 26 October 2008


I'm delay-blogging. Imagine I'm blogging by satellite phone. This is from last month's trip to England. We slowly drove behind these birds for several minutes while they ran down the road in front of us. I finally got out of the car to herd them away -- and as soon as I stepped outside, they all flew off. Because I'm much scarier than a ton of petrol-fueled metal. My sister-in-law says that if I hadn't been in the car, my dad would have just run over them, but I like to think that's not the case.


Marie said...

It's the red hair, maybe? Attractive to all intelligent creatures including bulls and men, frightening to birds?

As much as I like birds and am opposed to gratuitous violence, I'm with your dad. Any creature that is capable of flight and puts itself in a position to be killed by a land-bound vehicle needed to be taken out of the gene pool for the benefit of his species. Unless it's a quail. I adore quail.

Hey, It's Ansley said...

A bird flew into my window at work a few hours ago. It flew loopily around for a bit and then landed on the ground. It didn't move for at least 20 minutes but I have just now come back from lunch at it's gone.

Next time, carry an umbrella like in Indiana Jones and shoo them away.