Saturday 3 October 2009

Back By Popular Demand

I think I can say that now that more than one person has commented on my absence.
I wish I could say that I was busy fighting tigers in Namibia, or building an orphanage in the Brazilian jungle, or negotiating the release of hostages in Honduras, but it was not so. In fact, I suspect there may not even BE tigers in Namibia.

But I have seen at least one tiger since last I blogged (in the zoo). And we all have friends who’ve helped build orphanages in South America, haven’t we? And Bill Clinton helped with hostages in Korea. So it’s almost true.

In addition to those exciting events, I’ve been doing other stuff. Oh, all sorts of other stuff. Summer stuff. That kind of summer stuff that, .come cooler weather, becomes a vague golden memory. Like camping. I went camping, and I believe blisters and sore muscles may have been involved, but all I REALLY remember is the beautiful mountains and lakes and streams, and freshly caught trout roasted over wood fires, and mysterious mountainous noises at night.

And a trip to Bear Lake, where my trusty car inconveniently decided it also wanted a holiday, and suddenly stopped working. But what I really remember is the warm beach, and the cool water, and the best raspberry shakes ever, and various other sunny summery images.

And gigs with Citrine, where I know for a fact that we had sound issues, and my feet ached from standing on the stage for too long, and the “Scottish” shortbread...wasn’t. But I best remember hanging out with my Sistrines, and enjoying the surroundings, and how good it felt when the music came together and people enjoyed it.

I hope y’all had lovely summers too, with lovely memories. I’ll blog more later. Right now I have a nicely timed and not-too-severe head cold which is just bad enough to give me an excuse to lie around all weekend and drink hot Ribena. It’s all very pleasant and autumnal.


Marie said...

I'm sorry about your car. I hope it has been restored so that you need not suffer carless through the winter. If not, remember that my boring-but-relatively-reliable-Corolla is you boring-but-relatively-reliable-Corolla.

I want to get to that camping stage you're at, remembering the good stuff and mostly forgetting the bad. I have lovely memories of camping, but I also remember VERY KEENLY the privations and pains. Maybe I have a better memory than you? No. I'm sure it's just a character flaw.

Enjoy your mild cold. I like those, too. Books and pretty music and hot drinks (of the herby and chocolatey kind, of course).

Heidi said...

So nice to have you back!

Tech Geek said...

Very glad to have you back, Lena!

Ninny Beth said...

yahoo! I add my voice to those already clamering for a new piece of lena!