Tuesday 9 February 2010

Soul Mates

Once in a while I like to see how people found my blog through the interwebs.

Here are some of my favourite keyword searches that led like-minded thinkers here:

Fungal jokes
Fungal jokes
Friendliest people in the world
Travelssex [that was one disappointed googler]
Big spozzo
Leprosy and fungus
Last man on earth funny

From which I deduce that if you are lonely and infested with skin disease (or possibly thirsty in Italy), my blog is the place to be!

I must say that I am disappointed that Colin Firth Colin Firth Colin Firth was nowhere to be found in the search list. I'm going to work on remedying that. Colin Firth. In the mean time, I'll take pride in my status as the web's #1 source for fungus/fungal jokes!

Did you hear the one about the guy walking into a bar with fungus?

Me neither, but I'm pretty sure the punchline would involve a pun on the word "mushroom." I'll get back to you if I think of one.


Marie said...

Your fungus/skin cancer/leprosy posting was one of your funniest ever. I'm sure the person googling "leprosy and fungus" was NOT dissapointed (unless, of course, he/she actually HAD fungus or leprosy, in which case you probably made him/her cry).

As to your joke, is it a real joke? If so, I want the punchline. Especially if it involves the phrase, "But I'm a fun guy!"

And if it's any comfort, you are my #1 source for all things Colin Firth.

lenalou said...

Totally not a real joke, I'm afraid...YET!

How about:
A guy walks into a bar with fungus.
The bartender says, "sorry, we don't have much room in here."
The man says, "but I'm a fun guy!"

Ahem. I fear it depends on the extremely weak "much room/mushroom" pun.

I suspect you could come up with something better, Marie, given your excellent punchline.