Wednesday 30 January 2008


Mel tagged me. I met Mel when she came to interview for a job where I worked. She was wearing a very cute green shirt, was super nice and friendly, and I and my colleague (we were co-conducting the interviews) were embarrassed because we turned up wearing matching outfits that day and we both had British accents so we felt like the “Foreign Twins” double act or something. Then that Sunday Mel turned up at my church, so let’s all be glad she got hired, or it could have been very socially awkward.

These are the rules (lifted verbatim from Mel):
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, as we all want to know them. (I'm sure you are all DYING to know these, but please read them anyway so I feel like you do.)
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. (If I tag you, just do it and don't complain.)
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

And here are my factoids:

1) I collect vintage girls books, from the 20s through the 50s. They are hilarious, but very innocent and fun and full of great mind-moulding lessons on HONOUR and PLAYING THE GAME, and being a GOOD SPORT.
2) Cats like me. I worry slightly that it means I smell like catnip.
3) I can do a pretty solid headstand.
4) For work, I once took part in a “Crazy Cooking Show” (or some title like that) where I played straight woman to the host, who was acting like a mad scientist with the dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke. This is the kind of stuff I get paid to do. Random bonus fact – my brother called me “Boob Job” for about a week after he saw this program, as I apparently wore a very…er, enhancing top in it.
5) I won a ride in a police car when I was about six, in a colouring contest. And I didn’t even like colouring!
6) I once lost my voice for two months (whisper volume only) after having my tonsils removed. Because of this, I will always love speech therapists.
7) Mel and I once trained for a half marathon together. And I don’t think I’ve ever been in such good shape since. Or up as early.

Bryn, Mel and Jairo, Marie aka Tiffany, Jess, Ninny Rose, Ans, Rachel, I tag thee.


Unknown said...

well I'm not sure where to find that great mraz song...

I just found it on which is the site that supports that great music player on my blog...
I'll keep looking....

Marie said...

Oh dear. How can I outdo marathons and headstands???

Melanie said...

I want to tag you again - just to read fun facts about you! Can't wait for you to demonstrate the headstand, by the way. And I was laughing out loud at you brother's nickname for you. I feel like I learned so much about you...and am slightly saddened at how out of shape I now am...

lenalou said...

Thanks, Joette, I really love it and want it to be mine.

Tiffany, you are Mistress Creative --I'm pretty sure you'll find something!

Mel, remind me to tell you my additional fact when we talk. I reluctantly substituted it as I decided it wasn't internet-appropriate (and yet 'boob job' was, apparently).

Ninny Beth said...

will do will do! I'm on vacation right now and I'm just too wiped out from being lazy.