Friday 23 May 2008

Rumours: Not just a 70s album any more

Today, at a work event, I tore into one of my co-workers because of some little mistake she made. She was really upset and came back to the office distraught—I think there were even tears. I feel so terrible about being such a witch... or I WOULD, if I had actually BEEN there and IF that had HAPPENED TO ANY DEGREE WHATSOEVER.

Fortunately, none of the people that heard the rumour actually believed it, primarily because I am British and they couldn't imagine a Briton acting so improperly. I won’t tell them about Naomi Campbell if you don’t.

Instead, a couple of us plan to add to the rumour. One friend says I kicked her. In the next version I plan to key her car.


Marie said...

This is odd. How can such a false rumor even get a start when there are other people present who know the facts? Did she just confuse your name with someone else's while attempting to tell the story correctly? Maybe that mean ol' Lana in Accounting?

lenalou said...

Really, Marie. I'm pretty sure the first rule of rumour-mongering is NOT to look for the most innocent explanation.

Dunno how/why -- but as you say, it could never really have legs...

Ninny Beth said...

hahhahahahahaha! that's hilarious! I wish I was worthy of a rumor. Can you start one about me?

lenalou said...

Ninny, I wouldn't have thought you'd need anyone to start rumours about you after what I heard what happened with you, the chihuahua, and the dope-peddler on the subway the other day.