Saturday 3 May 2008

Call it Soccer if You Want to. Just Don’t Call it Boring.

I went to see David Beckham LA Galaxy play Real SL tonight. What a terrific match! RSL began strong, and were leading 2 nil for a while. Then LA’s skilz kicked in and it ended up a draw -- 2 all. Who says football is a low scoring game?

I went with Tricia and her dad, Dennis. I think all our neighbours loved Dennis, as he kept shouting scottishly at the ref and players. At one free kick, the man in front was yelling at the goalie to break his nerve; “Not only are you the worst goalie in the world, you’re ugly!”
Dennis added “AND YOU SMELL!”

It was a bit confusing who to cheer for. I mean, there’s the home team of course, but lust patriotism made me feel obliged also to cheer on Beckham. Oh, and then we also had to cheer for Kenny (number 16) who is Scottish. So basically, I was delighted when anyone did anything good, which made for a very cheery evening.

Trish took better pics than I, but I think even in these you can see how sexy talented Beckham’s legs are. (Number 23).


Marie said...

His legs do look very talented. So does his hair.

I don't think you're allowed to use the word "lust" while occupying your current calling. Check the handbook.

Hey, It's Ansley said...

Becks - Why the long sleeves and long shorts and long socks/shin guards? And yet still I stare.

Since I don't really know any of the rules of soccer, I have a hard time being convincing when I say I'm there for the sport and not the guys.

The Fug Girls just said this about Beckham "prime cut of man-loin" hee.

Ann said...

Hey--nice to meet you the other night for Cinco de mayo.

Peregos said...

Amen to all the crossed words in your blog about Beckham... Signed: a male soccer fan! :)