Wednesday 26 November 2008

Thanksgiving 08: Still Thanking

It's time to get our gratitude on!

If I'd thought ahead, I would have been a lot more specific in last year's thankful list, because I am still thankful for all those things, but don't want to totally repeat myself.

So here's the 08 things I like in my life (now 20% less generalised).

1. The fantastic weather we've had this year. I feel like I talk about it constantly, but it's been wonderful. Long, cool spring, long, warm autumn, picture-perfect sunny weather everywhere I've travelled. Let's not think about global warming. Shh.
2. Sushi.
3. You.
4. Modern medicine.
5. A family that doesn't hassle me about being single, because you know some do.
6. Yoga. Specifically, half moon pose.
7. Citrine.
8. My church calling, despite the constant mental balancing act between the guilt of not doing enough, and the mild bother of the time it does take.
9. Having two passports. I love anything that makes me feel like an MI5 agent.
10. Traditions.


Tim said...

I'm not sure if 2 passports beats having a US passport but being a UK resident. I never had more than 5 people in front of me at Heathrow...

And amen to the weather. I hope that we don't balance out with an extra cold springtime.

Marie said...

I've got #5 as well. Thanks for reminding me that I"m grateful for that (them) as well.

How advanced is the half moon pose? If it's so great, you need to teach me.

Amen to #10. We live in a time of constant novelty; good traditions are warming and steadying. And sometimes turn our hearts to our fathers in a powerful way.

Marie said...
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Melanie said...

2 passports ... I'm so jealous!