Tuesday 3 February 2009

It's not fine.

So, here's the ad with me in it. Behold me over-act.

Um, I must say, the "American accent" isn't quite as noticeable as it was in my head. Which is probably a good thing.


Melanie said...

You are a natural.

Hey, It's Ansley said...

So good. Can we air this here in Portland so people with these symptoms stop calling me, the advice nurse, and call 911 like they should?

K-10 said...

Lena I think it's great!

Marie said...

I caught the end of this the other day, but only after I heard your voice and ran into the room to see a fuzzy Lena staring at an invisible stroke victim. That's not overacting. That's exactly how I'd hope someone would act if I were having a stroke -- if anything, more histrionics would be in order. I'm having a STROKE here, Lena -- time to start wailing and dialing 911. (I guess that's the point of the commercial -- instructing the public when to freak out, right? You look like a person teetering at "to freak or not to freak?," so well done!)

This is weird, but while it's clear you're speaking in an American accent, I so much associate the timbre of your voice with an English accent that it still registers in my brain as "that's a person with an English accent speaking."

Tim said...

very nice. archived a copy to my local hdd so it can't get magically eaten up by the internet dmca monster.

Do you have footage of your other commercial?

Your accent didn't sound too bad, but it sure did feel like the intonation on the "Are you ok?" was English...

Ninny Beth said...

stop stealing my jobs!!!! you are the writer, I am the talent...DON"T YOU FORGET YOUR PLACE MISSY!

lenalou said...

Ninny, you'll have to become a lot worse at writing before I can agree to that arrangement!

Thanks all for the kind reviews!

Melanie said...

Can you add actress to your resume?