Wednesday 27 February 2008

From My Box

Overheard in my office this morning:

Secretary 1: So, I went to this wedding reception last night, and it was so much fun. There were all these people from England there, and you know how they usually are, all...

Secretary 2: Stiff?

S1: Yes, but they were really a lot of fun!

S2: Really!

I'm stiff, not deaf.


Hey, It's Ansley said...

Did you clear your throat and say, "Pardon" to hint at your presence.

And why weren't you at the wedding? I thought all you stodgy Brits knew each other.

Melanie said...

The fish picture was so appropriate. Ignorant American secretaries...goodness. By the way, keep a lookout on your email - I'm going to be sending you something to bring back lots of memories.

Tim said...

I have to say that all the Brits I've met (here and in academic circles) are far less stiff than most Americans I know. Perhaps I'm not high-society enough though.

Marie said...

Oh, but it's just so much FUN to jab at each other, don't you think? The Brits and the Yanks have such a long and loving tradition of jolly reciprocal abuse.

Have you seen that fantastic scene in A Fish Called Wanda where Kevin Kline and John Cleese trade all the classic British/American jabs as Michael Palin slooowly runs over Kevin with a steamroller? Doesn't thinking about it make you feel better? It does me, and I'm on the losing end (the "irretrievably vulgar" end) of that argument.

Brittany said...

Ok so I found you on A-M blog and I must say that your blog is hilarious! The mice/dust bunny things made me laugh. Mostly because of personal experience. Horrifying personal experience. Remind me to tell you sometime!