Tuesday 26 February 2008

To sleep…perchance to dream. *

My goal for this week has been To Get More Sleep. I need a lot of sleep, especially in winter, and lately it hasn't been happening. And, as a Health Professional, I have Degrees and have read Professional Journal Articles that tell me that Sleep is Important. The fact that you can gain the exact same knowledge from reading Shape magazine causes me to question the value of the money I spent on my education, but I try not to dwell on that too much. Shape doesn't teach you biostatistics, after all.

So, I made it to bed around 11 PM -- well, 11:30 PM for two nights in a row, and woke up with the bloom of youth on my cheek and feeling peaceful and well rested, wouldn't you think? If you would, you would be mistaken. I never usually remember my dreams, but for the last two mornings I've woken up to the most horrific ones. One was sci-fi horror, and involved someone trying to kill me with glowing blue bullety things, until I killed him in a way that, frankly, I thought I was far too nicely brought up and gentle to do. The other involved me in a weird Jane Eyre-meets-Brothers Grimm story where someone was trying to force me into marriage with some guy who someone told me was my ‘real’ father. Ew, right?

Believe me, I am NOT asking for interpretation of these dreams. I'm pretty sure it can't be good, and I'd rather not know. And before you ask, the last movie I watched was To Catch a Thief, preceded by Sense and Sensibility, and I am currently reading How Green Was My Valley and the Relief Society manual. I’m also not on drugs, licit or otherwise.

Maybe sleep deprivation wasn't so awful after all.

I’m going to bed soon. Wish me luck.

*Does blogging about my dreams mean I’ve reached a new blogging low? I think it might.


Hey, It's Ansley said...

Since I work nights, I often take benadryl so I can sleep through the day and make it through the next night at work. No dreams, guaranteed!

PS Love the use of the word licit!

Marie said...

I'm having the same problem. My goal of eight solid hours has found me tossing and turning hours 6-8 with weird dreams and waking up drained. I'm usually a champion sleeper, too -- it must be the specter (spectre) of my own mortality creeping into my bones, ushering in the Age of Insomnia. Pooh.

I'm sorry about that dream, though. Disturbing. I hope it's not from watching that dark Cinderella adaptation I gave you, where she has to flee a marriage with her father?

As for killing someone in a non-nice way, I had a dream like that once, too (only it involved a cat, and I LIKE cats!) The scariest dream of my life, because it opened up the moldy corners of my sweet Mormon girl mind -- possibilities that I don't care to consider. Oh well. Too late now.

I also loved your use of "licit." If I ever steal it, I will credit you.

frances said...

i was also recently afflicted with a sci-fi dream (i attribute it to my newly acquired battlestar galactica addiction). it involved a video of people rock climbing in a narrow canyon that turned out to be in the middle of a big city, a lot of tricky camera work and a small contraption shooting out of my television and turning into a bird-shaped robot, then a man-shaped robot and then just a man. makes sense, right?