Sunday 17 February 2008

Kute Kiddie Korner

My niece “Gertrude,” apropos of absolutely nothing:

“I wouldn’t want to eat the neck part of the chicken because that’s where all the throw up comes out of.”


Tim said...

Isn't that when you are supposed to help out her parents by discussing the virtues of hot dogs and gelatin?

Left-Handed said...

Wow now there is a thinker

Marie said...

Ha! Looks like you have a future vegetarian on your hands. All meat consumption requires a fuzzy imagination in which Tony the Turkey hands you a gore-free slab of his breast meat with a grin and a wink. And odd bits like neck meat and tongues require even fuzzier thinking.

I remember how upset I was when I learned that my mother put the turkey giblets in her excellent Thanksgiving stuffing -- I had a full-on crisis of faith ("If you can't trust the stuffing, what CAN you trust???")

Hey, It's Ansley said...

Marie, that's why I only like my mother's stuffing, I know what she puts in it and more importantly, what she doesn't.

lenalou said...

Tim, I often think I should be making more of these moments educational ones, and so rarely actually do.

I don't see that she'll be a veggie but she might well want to stay away from kidneys when she learns a bit more.