Thursday 5 March 2009

Lena Dies a Little Inside

Bloggers, do you ever just feel like you’ve lost the ability to blog? That you have NOTHING left to say that even your mum would care to read? That you would fall asleep reading your own blog post?

C’est moi!

So, we’re working on this big proposal at work. Really big. I mean, big as in we are mildly worried about whether or not it will fit into its two-inch binder. I have
put blood (wonky staple caught my thumb), sweat, and maybe even a couple of tears into that thing. I really hope the readers like it.

The somewhat twisted thing is that I am also somewhat enjoying writing it. I like writing, I do. Even technical writing. I really like taking other people’s prose and editing it. I’m not ashamed of my nerdiness.

But it has somewhat killed my ability to write about anything else. I have actually lost sleep over this thing. I keep thinking about additions, and edits, and making it flow, and...

I’m barely able to write Facebook updates, let alone blog posts. The only updates that come to mind involve being tired and hoping to make it to the weekend, and I consider frequent use of either of those as being on a par with “Lena is eating lunch [unnecessary exclamation mark]”

Note. If your Facebook update is any of those things, I still love you.

So this post is just to say that I have nothing to say. At least, not in any readable way.

I went skiing with my niece and nephew.
I saw an interesting Werner Herzog movie about the South Pole.
I went for dinner and a great motorcycle ride with my friend Jeff.
I rehearsed with Citrine in preparation for our CD recording.
I inhaled hot chocolate and “orange” “drink” while cleaning the dairy at Welfare Square.
(I think ATMIT is really cool.)

See what I mean?

Let’s hope for a rebirth of my brain cells in the near future. In the mean time, Lena is going to bed!

p.s. Thanks, Tim for sending the pic today--that expresses it perfectly.


Marie said...

When your I-can't-manage-to-writing-anything-entertaining blog entry is entertaining, you need to


Nobody's fooled, funny girl.

I'm sorry about the stapled thumb.

I like Sheila Shine -- get a nice high off that stuff. But ATMIT is pretty cool, too.

lenalou said...

Bless you, Marie, but I dunno...if there was any value in that post, it was the Sheila Shine talking...

Alison said...

It's like we give and we give and we give, and yet they still want MORE MORE MORE! I mean really, it's exhausting. Which is why I leave so frequently. You are so much more dedicated!