Friday 18 April 2008

I Am a Cake

You are what you eat, right?

Well, it was my b'day yesterday, and I was spoiled deliciously, to the tune of:

Cake the night before from a special bundt cake shop that Arthur and I had considered knocking over last week (not for money, we just wanted cake, and it was shut. Wouldn't you like to hear THAT story on the news?).

Cookies mid-morning from my co-workers -- who sang (festively, if not tunefully)

Cookie at lunch

Cupcakes post work from my roomie, who tracked down one of my favourite cupcake destinations online and got me these pretty things when she should probably have been studying how to treat diabetes, not cause it.

Big beautiful trifley thing at choir practice (choir members sang not just tunefully but in multiple parts)

I also have it on good authority that my mum is working on dessert.

For my next birthday, I would like insulin and needles. Thank you.


Tim said...

Mmmm... cake. Cake doesn't quite do it for me anymore. Since coming to England I think my whole family would have to say that we are now Bramley apple pie with double cream (and perhaps toffee sauce).

Hope the birthday weekend continues to be enjoyable. We'll have to get Jonathan to sing his "British" birthday song to you before he loses his accent and/or forgets it.

Melanie said...

I would love to know where your favorite cup cake place is??? I hear there is one here in Seattle that is quite delicious. It's at the top of my list of to do's! Sounds like a wonderful, sugary birthday.

Marie said...

Ha! I was thinking I'd offer to buy you dessert on Fri night, but I guess the most appreciated gift at that point would've been a toothbrush :)

Happy Birthday, L!

You don't seem to be aging. Are you one of the Three Nephites? (If you tell me, I won't tell anyone else.)

plainoldsarah said...

that trifely thing looks sooooo good! bring on the sugar!
(happy bday!)

lenalou said...

Mmm, apple pie with double cream. We used to have a nice Bramley tree in our family orchard. I used to eat the peel raw. One thing I like about English apple pies is that they're not totally doused in cinnamon.

Mel, you must try Mini's when you're out here. On 800 South. The ones with ganache topping are the best. Les Madeleines are also really good.

Dear, dear, dear Marie. Could you say that aging comment again, please? Louder? In front of more people?