Monday 7 May 2007

I never claimed to be a romantic

Some of you know (and share) my irritation with PDA (public displays of affection), and it hits new heights here in Italy. I noticed in my skimming of EPL, that the author commented on people making out EVERYWHERE in Rome, and she’s not wrong. And I can see it’s all very lovely and romantic and appropriate on the river banks, and bridges, and the Spanish steps and all, but what really gets me are the trains. I’m not sitting opposite any more couples until Italians learn to kiss quietly. The urge to yell “get a room” is becoming too strong. Though I must admit that I was getting all nauseated by a couple that got on the train and barely waited to sit down until they were at it, and then realised that they were saying goodbye, and the guy was getting off the train. Oh. Well, that’s all right then. Carry on.


Janean said...

Eew. I remember seeing couples perched on bridge supports above the Arno wrapped in each other's arms but I had to really look to see them. I don't recall sitting across from any pda in trains. I guess I was lucky (and not in Italy for as long as you). That would get annoying.

Have you read 'Eat Pray Love' yet?

Hey, It's Ansley said...

I remember this about France too. And when I was in London I saw it too. But in London, I kissed a guy on the train and didn't seem to mind so much when I was part of the PDA couple. (It was really just a quick kiss, but wanted to be part of the fun)