Friday, 4 May 2007

Maybe they should stick a cattle ranch on the cliffs of Dover

Cinqueterre, if you’re not familiar, is a national park that encompasses five villages (cinque terre = five lands). Apparently, some time ago, some people thought it would be a brilliant idea to start farming up the side of a cliff (clearly there’d been some mountain goat mixed in with their genes). This resulted in some rather pretty towns and gorgeous views. It’s getting pretty touristy now – I gather all the cool kids are going to Palermo or somewhere this year, but I really wanted to see it, so here I am. The hiking’s moderately strenuous with a backpack – lots and lots of rock stairclimbing, but the views are worth it. And I got to see the Mediterranean for the first time!!

BTW, if anyone knows how to rotate pics on this, let me know. The sideways look was particularly ridiculous with the leaning tower.


Janean said...

I'm beginning to think you may have to turn them before uploading them.... but you'd think blogger could do it.

Tech Geek said...

Yeah, I did some testing with the pictures, and I think Janean is right--you have to rotate and save the pictures on your computer, or memory card, before you post them. I couldn't find any after-posting editing abilities, but then again, I've never messed around with this website before, so don't quote me on that... :-)

lenalou said...

Hmm. Well thanks, but I actually did rotate them in Picasa, so I don't know why it's re-rotating them.

Janean said...

How irritating!